in a quaint little area of sarasota.
there is a little walking neighborhood.
with little shopping plazas.
and in this little neighborhood.
there is a darling little cake pop shop.
with an impossibly sweet baker behind the counter.
allow me the pleasure of introducing you to
the lollicake queen.
where every girl gets her crown. gets her cake. & gets to eat it. too.
how sweet is that?!
the glass window display boasts the most beautiful cake pops i have ever laid eyes on.
with the most scrumptious of all flavors you could ever imagine.
like banana bread. & sugar cookie. & key lime pie. & coconut macaroon.
cookies & cream. & strawberry. & chocolate. too.
some baked with the goodness of old family recipes.
while others are new creations worthy of praise.
aren't they just the most lovely pops ever?
too pretty to eat.
well . . . almost.
it is quite impressive. every single pop is exactly the same size. same shape.
they have mastered the art of rolling the pops to perfection.
that may seem like a silly little thing . . .
but it is all about the details.
it is the little things that make such a huge difference.
. . . like packaging. and bows.
which the queen has also perfected.
the little cellophane wrappers. pink bows. & crown tags. are just precious.
they would surely make for a beautiful presentation as a gift to a faraway friend.
oh! which reminds me.
the lollicake queen will ship her pretty little pops.
yahoo! yippee! woo-hoo!
by the end of our adventure to sarasota we had eaten every last morsel.
literally. we ate like eight cake pops.
{baby patrick had his eye on the snickerdoodle pop. but grandma beat him to it}
so if you are in need of a sweet treat delivery to a deserving friend.
keep the lollicake queen in mind. she will make it happen.
but more importantly.
if you are close by. take a little afternoon trip to the shop.
you will be oh. so. happy. that you did!
thanks for the sweets little miss lollicake queen.

thx for info... keep writing and giving us an information... glhf for ur day!!!