01 January 2012

cinnamon roll waffles.

to celebrate the new year,
i thought it would be sweet to 
treat my lovie to a very special dinner.

i am not certain this meal 
can fall under the "dinner" category. 
it is more of a dessert.
that being said, i did manage to add in
 a little dash of dairy, a little smidgen of protein,
and a whole lotta love. 

start with your fave cinnamon rolls.
i love this brand.
all natural. no artificial ingredients.
immaculately clean eating. 

place them right on a piping hot waffle maker
and within minutes they will be baked to a golden perfection. 

i topped the giant cinnamon roll waffle
with some peanut butter & co  crunch time peanut butter,
a drizzle of icing, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

melty. gooey. sweetness.

they. were. divine.
and totally lovie approved.

these treats only took about six minutes to make.
literally, six minutes. 
a great alternative to making waffles from scratch.
plus the clean up is a breeze. 

heres to ringing in the new year with a 
super indulgent dinner.

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