31 December 2011


two thousand eleven
was the absolute best.
the bees knees. the cats meow. 

a year of love & happiness.
a year of friendships, old and new.
a year of God's grace & blessings.
a year that will forever be remembered as one of my faves.

the year that i became mrs. michael mott mills, jr. 

this entire year has brought such rich blessings,
from start to finish.
and i give all the thanks to my Lord.
He has walked beside me through the year
and given me an abundance of wisdom, grace, peace, and joy.
i am grateful for all the fruits of His spirit. 

i am excited to ring in the new year with my dear loved ones.
and look forward to another year of blessings & growth.
cheers to all of God's goodness. 

may you and yours have the happiest new year.

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