25 November 2011

a servants heart.

this thanksgiving was different than years past.
the bretts. the gilsons. the mills. we all decided that this year 
we wanted to serve others.

we wanted to fill their hearts. their souls. their tummies. 
we wanted to share our bountiful blessings with those less fortunate.
we wanted to serve with a cheerful & humble heart.
serve with a true servants heart. 

all children's hospital was in need of volunteers to prepare & serve 
thanksgiving lunch for their patients and families.
we immediately knew that our big ol' gang
would eagerly lend twenty-four hands,
and twelve warm smiles.
and that would be welcomed.

we hung signs of sweet salutations.

and dressed the tables in fine linens.

the tables were adorned with fall foliage. 

and stickers. 

and placemats to color.

pumpkins & turkeys popped up all over.

as each table was decked out for the feast.

the windows were sprinkled with bright colored leaves.

and hugs were passed out to generous helpers. 

we walked into all children's hospital 
excited to bring joy to the patients and families.
and while i am certain we did bless them,
i know that they blessed us even greater.

these sweet people provided us with the richest reminders.
a reminder to have a grateful heart.
a reminder to cherish life everyday.
a reminder to rise above even the toughest circumstances.
a reminder to find joy in everyday.
a reminder that we are blessed beyond measure.

and while they thanked us for carrying their trays.
and thanked us for refilling their drinks.
we thank them for a new perspective on our blessed lives.

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