23 November 2011

a heart of gratitude

when i think about my life, and as we prepare for thanksgiving,
i can't help but recognize how richly blessed i am.

this thanksgiving season i have a heart that is overflowing with gratitude. 

for each november day that leads to thanksgiving, 
i am beyond thankful for 

1. my gracious Lord.
2. my lovie.
3. my family.
4. my best friend.
5. all my friends.
6. my humble home.
7. my health.
8. my job.
9. cassis.
10. diet coke.
11. flowers.
12. silver.
13. kate spade.
14. candles.
15. forgiveness.
16. laughter.
17. vacation days with family.
18. a new last name. 
19. sparkly things.
20. apple crisp.
21. my marked up bible.
22. love.
23. hugs.
24. humility.

i am thankful for all of these gifts, as they are given to me by God.
"every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father."
James 1:17

may your thanksgiving be overflowing with love, warmth, and gratitude. 
may you soak in every moment spent with family & loved ones, 
as these moments are so valuable.


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