01 October 2015

september theme: apples.

patrick is at such a fun stage. 
he is so incredibly curious. inquisitive. & full of wonder.
he wants to know about everything & anything.

i hope he always stays this way.

i have chosen to keep patrick home from preschool until he is three.
i just can't imagine sending my baby to school quite yet.
like peter pan. i hope he never grows up. 

so to keep him excited about learning & to avoid boredom
i am creating an at-home-faith-based curriculum for us to do together.
it is nothing serious. i am not pushing for him to be reading and writing at age two.
it is more for toddler appropriate fun & faith exposure.
playtime. storytime. conversations. prayer. & crafts.

the theme for september was apples.

we practiced fine motor skills by glueing red button apples onto apple trees.
we used halved apples to make apple print stamps with paint.
we painted apples out of watercolors.
we baked mini apple turnovers. 
we ate bags & bags of sliced apples. 
we had such fun with all things apple.

my favorite element of this months theme was the way we incorporated faith.
what better way to bring the b.i.b.l.e. into playtime than through
apples & the story of creation. 

it was just too easy. 

patrick loved hearing the story of adam. eve. and sin the snake.
{he couldn't say the word satan so it came out as sin the snake}

i found these darling free printables on pinterest.
how stinkin cute are they?!
i printed them. cut them. laminated them. & glued magnets on the back.
it was so much fun to watch patrick's imagination soar using these characters.
i also loved the little story sequence cards. 
this was a great way to share the story of adam & eve.  

i am grateful for the conversations that were sparked through this months theme.
conversations about god & sin. apple trees & buttons. 
the simplest way to ensure that conversations of faith are happening everyday.

how do you incorporate faith at home with your children?


  1. Super sweet!!!! All this while having a newborn at home! You should be wearing that red cape, my friend! :-) xo

  2. I'm so glad you started blogging again. I love seeing pictures of your babies as they grow. I always wonder if you have a full time photographer that lives at your house taking all these FANTASTIC pictures all the time. Hugs and Kisses to your sweet little boys.
