06 October 2015

devotional diapers.

there are a lot of unknowns when you become a mommy.

will my baby be a good sleeper? will i be up all night long for months?
will i have success nursing? will i even like nursing? will i feed my baby formula?
will my baby be content & easy? will my baby be fussy & colicky? 

becoming a mommy . . . 
whether it be a first time. second time. or third time mommy . . .
is like sailing into uncharted territory in a lot of ways. 

one thing i am certain every new mommy will have.
{and have several times a day}
is the joy of changing a dirty diaper. 

this goes without any question or doubt.
yes. every mommy. will in fact. be changing diapers.
all. day. long. 

that being said. 
all of the uncertainities of being a new mommy.
all the learning. & the experimenting.
can very well leave you exhausted.
{even if you have a wonderful sleeper}

so exhausted. in fact. that daily time with the Lord can easily slip away.
morning quiet times are likely filled with baby cries.
& goodnight prayers are probably cut short due to dozing off.

so what better way to send a sprinkle of encouragement to new moms 
& allow them to easily have a few minutes spent in the Word
than with the darling diaper devotionals. 

after all. 
every mommy will be reaching for several diapers throughout those first days.
so why not have each little diaper deliver some promises & truths 
for that weary mama to stand on?!

i adore these honest company anchor diapers. 
they are too stinkin cute for a brand new baby boy bottom. 

personalizing the scriptures really makes this gift special. 

some scriptures can be encouraging for the mommy.
some can be promises for that sweet new baby.

either way.
the Words are from the Lord.
& they bring great comfort.

loved making this treasure of a gift for my new mommy friends. 
hope it brings them strength in those first few weeks of motherhood. 

i could certainly use some for my first few months of terrible twos. 

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