28 May 2014

our real life super hero.

batman holds a very special place in the hearts of my family.

not just because he is a super hero.
or because he can save the world. 
or because he looks dy-no-mite in his cape.

but because my brother patrick loved batman a whole lot. 
growing up he wore his batman high top converses every single day.

brother patrick loved batman. 
and so we love batman. 

whenever we see the batman symbol. 
we instantly remember our sweet brother patrick.

for those of you who may not know.
my brother patrick was taken from us too soon.
he went to be with the Lord when he was nineteen.

& while he is no longer here with us.
we have baby patrick to help carry on his memory.

today is brother patrick's birthday.
& it made my heart swell when i saw all the batman gear at target.
perfect timing. don't you think?!

we found it most appropriate to spend our day being batman.
& celebrating brother patrick.
our real life super hero.

it was actually quite wonderful. and intensely reflective. 

jut as we have done for the last several years . . .
we put our brave faces on. charged forward even still. 

we stood tall & proud. 

we reached high. even when it was tough.

we celebrated this beautiful life that surrounds us.

we leaned on our greatest supporters.

we looked back with great fondness.

we took moments to just be still.

& some days we even laughed.

but surely had moments when we hung our head in defeat.

we hit our knees.

but always got back up again.

we climbed higher than the time before.

& rested assure that our real life super hero is looking down on us.
not just today. but everyday.
especially the days when we do not feel like wearing our super hero cape.
because not every day do we have super hero strength. 

we have a super hero God. & a super hero angel.
and that is super enough.

happy birthday to our sweet brother patrick. 
from one batman lover to the next. 


  1. Kristen, this is so very very sweet. Your brother would be so proud and he would be a super uncle. Hugs to you!
