26 February 2014

kate spade. spring 2014.

it should come as no surprise to me. or to anyone else
that i am absolutely. positively. dying over the newest kate spade collection.
oh. my. heavens. it is just so impossibly perfect. 
hello. kate spade new york. spring 2014.

it was tough to narrow down my top three picks.
all of the ensembles were so elegant. so chic. & so modern day jackie. 
while much of the collection was party attire . . .
i was especially drawn to the sophisticated lunch attire.

i could see myself strolling down beach drive for an early spring lunch in these get ups.

how sensational is that coat?!
the subtle metallic is just gorgeous. 

this windowpane ensemble is just my style.
i love everything about this entire look.
{maybe change out that top knot bun for a little pixie cut}

 i love the simple elegance of this gray & white look.
this is. hands down. the epitome of class. 
gray & white has been sprinkling my closet this spring . . .
and i am happy to see that that will be on trend for this season.

tres chic. kate spade. 

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