22 January 2014

life planner perfection.

i have been waiting rather impatiently for the last two weeks.
checking my front steps multiple times a day.
wishing & hoping & willing for this special package to arrive.
 . . . and it finally did. 

this might seem like a silly thing to get excited about.
but it seriously makes me oh so happy. 

i have to admit.
i am old school when it comes to technology.
i am not super technologically advanced.
nor would i call myself tech savvy.
{and i kind of like it that way}

one thing in particular that i just cannot wrap my mind around
is using that terrible calendar on my iphone. 

i happen to really dislike it.

i fancy something tangible. something i can write on.
something that shows me the whole month in one glance.
without having to push buttons or navigate around. 
i like to have a real. flip the pages. day planner.

ladies. allow me to introduce to you the ultimate day planner.
the one & only erin condren life planner.

how impossibly adorable? terribly darling? & downright precious is that?!
sweet baby patrick's chubby little face on the front of my day planner.

completely personalized in the cutest colored letters.

& matching colored tabs. 

with polka dots & stripes.
i mean. did this erin chick design these with me in mind?!

love the two page spread that shows the year at a glance.
so necessary. so appreciated. 

& how fun are these little stickers?!
colored stick-ons for various occasions.
like very first birthdays . . .

and doctors appointments.
and basically anything else you might want a sticker for.

there are bow ties. and inspiring words on nearly every page.
{this one being my favorite}

loving the rows & rows of color!

& days broken down into 
morning. day. and night.

i honestly cannot get enough of these stripes.
they just scream let's have fun!

the next few years even get a shout out in this planner.
yahoo! perfect for planning out those family vacays.

& an entire page dedicated to my important numbers.
{i may or may not even know my lovies number by heart}

& rest assured. this ain't no flimsy little planner.
this binding is ultra sturdy. & the pages turn beautifully.

a ruler bookmark to provide easy "flip & find" days.

and quite possibly the little deet that knocks this out of the park . . .
the ribbon that holds it all together.
it comes with three color choices.
& can double as a headband.

if there ever were to be an example of planner perfection . . .
i am quite certain that erin condren would take the cake.

stay tuned for more erin condren goodies & a giveaway! 

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