02 December 2013

five month play.

five month play is a whole new ball game.
it is full of wonder. exploration. & movement.
yes. movement. and lots of it.
this little mister is on-the-go.

five month play is way fun.

there are lots of giggles.

hands on play is number one on our list.

we like to touch everything.

& look at everything.

we grab & hold on to toys with all our might.

& babble about all the fun things we see.

we like to make toys move & shake.

and we are really proud when we discover a new skill.

we are old pros at tummy time.
now we can scoot & roll all over the place.

and at five months old
we can even hold onto our fave cars 
while we are on tummy time.

and then we get really proud of ourselves again.

we play with our footies & grab onto our little toes.

but our all time fave five month play activity is to read.

this little mister loves. loves. loves. to read his books.
he is certainly his fathers son.
a book lover to the tenth power.

we look at the bright pictures.

& listen to the silly rhymes.

we try to turn the pages all by ourselves.

& we really dive into the story.
i mean. hands on. all over it. love it. 

commotion in the ocean is our fave book.
we could read it one hundred times a day.

and when we finish reading . . .
we giggle some more.

five month play is the best.
high five to that!

1 comment:

  1. Your son is absolutely adorable. It is so wonderful to see a woman with her baby. Your photos are great!
