03 November 2013

pip squeak.

we have a squeaky little addition to our family.
a little mousie named pip.
he lives in his little matchbox. on a shelf. in patricks nursery.

he has quickly become my very fave little baby toy.
& i have my fingers crossed that baby patrick will grow
to love. adore. & become best buds with little mister pip.

he is just too impossibly & terribly darling.

his matchbox of a bed is adorned with a self portrait.

pip loves his little bed. 
especially his blankie.

his mattress is blue & white stripes.
his pillow is green & white gingham.
he is oh.so.stylish. when it comes to his home decor.

he doesn't have much.
but pip is a proud home-owner.

his sweet little tail pokes through his red britches.
& i simply adore his blue & white tank.

he is quite a stud of a mousie.

i mean. really?!
how stinkin cute is he?
i am quite certain he is the only mouse invited into our house.

little pip. we sure do love you. 

one of my dear. sweet. forever. friends bought this for patrick.
i love the idea of simple toys that spark little imaginations.
and this mouse in a matchbox surely fits that bill.
little pip is only three inches tall. the perfect size for a chubby baby hand.
i can hardly wait to watch patrick interact with his new buddy.

i also can hardly wait to add to our little mousie family.
said friend brought pip all the way to us from the pink olive
a darling brick & mortar shop in new york city.
i am looking forward to our next trip to the big apple
just so that i can wander through this whimsical shop &
find pip's little friends to take home with us.

sneak a little peak at the pink olive website.
you will be so tickled with all of the happy gift ideas.

squeak. squeak.

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