19 November 2013

gift of thanks. no. 3.

this gift of thanks may very well be my fave.
it is beautiful. sentimental. and tremendously encouraging.
the perfect combination of details that create a thoughtful gift.

gift of thanks no. 3
is a bouquet of autumnal blooms
adorned with a mini personal scripture book of thanks. 

sunflowers just exude the gloriousness of fall.
three or four stems make for the perfect mini bouquet.
tie a burlap ribbon around the vase & you have an adorable little gift.

mustard yellow. mocha brown.
burnt orange. sage green. & cream tulle
are such rich & earthy colors.
i just love this mix of hues.
i used these ribbons to attach the scripture book to the vase.

the mini scripture book of thanks is so darling.
how impossibly cute is that little pumpkin?!

the book holds sixteen scriptures that are personalized for the recipient.
thank you, God, for loving me so much that you gave your only son.
that if i believe. i shall not perish. but i will have eternal life.

like a burst of sunshine in the november sky.
love. love. love. sunflowers.

each mini scripture book is bound by a jump ring on the top left corner.
& the jump ring is embellished with a bunch. and i mean a bunch. of ribbons.
its the cutest little poof of ribbons ever. 

the inside is just an abundance of truth. 
remind me to give thanks to the Lord for He is good.
His steadfast love endures forever. 

these mini books are so perfect to carry around with you in your purse.
or keep it by your bed side table. or keep it in your car.
just have it handy so in those moments of fear. envy. doubt. anger. hurt. and so on
you can simply reach for your scriptures and read them to yourself.
the best pep talk anyone could ever wish for. 
what friend wouldn't love to be given one of these?!

they are most certainly a wonderful gift of thanks for a friend.
wouldn't you love to receive this gift?
it is truly the gift that keeps on giving . . .
our daily bread!

it is as simple as that.
a sweet little bunch of blooms & a handful of scriptures.
a most perfect gift of thanks. 

and in case you are interested . . .
the thanksgiving scripture books are available by order.
they are twelve dollars each.
or five for fifty dollars.
if you would like to place an order please email me

{they would also make darling plate toppers for thanksgiving dinner!!!}

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