13 November 2013

a gift of thanks.

it is hard to believe that thanksgiving just a few weeks away.

before we know it the holiday season will be upon us in full force.
thanks will be given around a feasting table.
a baby will be born again in our hearts. 
 we will cheers the year away with some pop. fizz. & sparkle.

amidst all this celebrating 
we will certainly be busy with the bustle the season brings.

and in these busy moments. 
especially in this month of november.
i think it is so important to be purposeful in remembering 
to give thanks to all of those that we hold dear. 

our husbands. our children. our parents. our siblings.
our aunts. our uncles. our grandparents. our cousins. our in-laws.
our best friends. our acquaintances. our neighbors.
all of the people who bless our days. our years. our lives.  

a big. huge. ginormous. gift of thanks is surely in order for all of those you love. 
and what better way to give a gift of thanks than with sweet treats & surprises?!

over the next three weeks i will feature six little "gift of thanks" ideas.
these are fun. simple. inexpensive. little treats to surprise your peeps with.
consider it your way of sprinkling your community with a bit of love & thanks. 
{i love leaving little prezzies on front steps. who doesn't love coming home to that?}

i challenge you to pick a handful of people to surprise with 
a gift of thanks over the next few weeks. 
it will really make your heart swell with joy.

gift of thanks no. 1
a family recipe with a little sugar & spice.

we have all seen the pre-measured starter kits for various treats.
{typical hot cocoa. chocolate chip cookies, etc}
take that idea up a notch by featuring one of your fave family recipes.
one that will knock their socks off. one that you make every year.

in our family. our apple crisp makes an appearance every year.
scratch that. it appears 2. 3. maybe even 4. times between november & december.

this gift of thanks is as simple as printing out your chosen recipe.
& measuring out some of the dry ingredients.

i did the dry ingredients that make up the crumble topping.
{hands down. the very best part of the entire dish}
a little flour. white sugar. brown sugar. & oats. 

i poured the ingredients into a preserve jar.
keeping the ingredients separated into layers. 
put a little rafia bow around the jar & it is cute to boot.

this is the perfect little prezzie to leave on someone's front step.
a sweet little treat to come home to. 

on the back of your recipe you can jot a little note of thanks.
thanks for blessing my life with your friendship.
thanks for being so great. thanks for just being you.
thanks for anything & everything. 
and you can also share with the recipient why this recipe is so special.
do you make it every year on Thanksgiving morning?
is it your great.great.grandmothers recipe that has been passed down to you?
does this recipe have a secret ingredient 
that you only share with your very fave friends?
share what makes your recipe so special . . . 
special enough to share with an extra special friend!

who will you surprise with a gift of thanks this week?

1 comment:

  1. Kristen - Do you have a link to print the actual recipe like the one you have in the picture?
