02 October 2013

new series. a baker's box of recipes.

i am so excited about this new series that i can hardly stand it.

starting in the next week or so. 
c'est si bon will be highlighting local bakers.
in my new series:
a baker's box of recipes.

and nope. these are not professional bakers. 
{although their treats are delish enough that they should go pro}
but ladies {and gentleman} who have a penchant for baking. 
sweet. dear. friends of mine who just love to be up to their elbows in flour.
they enjoy the art of baking. the beauty of baking. & of course. the treat of baking.

we have our first three guests lined up already.
and they have selected their knock-em-dead-amazingly-sinful-go-to recipe to share.
i can promise you. these recipes are out of this world yummy.
i have personally been lucky enough to try each of them.

so. here is where you get to be involved.
do you have an amazing recipe? a no fail. always a hit. all time fave recipe?
if so. we want to feature you. 
if you know someone who fits the bill.
nominate them.

here is how it will work . . .

for locals.
i will either come to your kitchen.
or you may come to mine. whichever you fancy.
i will snap photos while you take us step by step through the recipe.
then we get to eat the goodies. 
then i get to blog about it.
& share the recipe.

for non-locals.
i would love for you to submit recipes & images.
i may choose to use them in the series.
that will be decided upon submission.

i really & truly think that a baker's box of recipes is going to be wonderfully fun.
a sneak peak into tried & true recipe boxes of dear friends.
how great is that?! 

email me at 
to nominate yourself of a friend! 


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