16 October 2013

a calling to simplify.

i have really had a conflicted heart lately.
a constant feeling of unsettledness. 
questioning my daily choices. feeling overwhelmed.
i am completely certain that the Lord has been working a change in me. 
& while i resisted for awhile. tried to justify. doubted His still small voice . . .
i have finally realized that i am being called to simplify.
called to slow down. called to re-prioritize.

i have a precious friend that has helped me get to this realization. 
by her words. but more significantly by her actions.
she is the kind of friend that truly prayers for me. 
she supports me. she accepts me. she always gives me the benefit of the doubt. 
she will have hour conversations with me at midnight if i needed her.
she always speaks truth into me . . . even on days when i do not want to hear it.

you see i have been so busy. running in so many different directions lately.
starting a business. blogging. being double placed in the junior league. 
doing small group bible study. doing bible study fellowship.
having girls nights. lunches with friends. playing the hostess.
being a daughter. being a sister. being a wife. being a mother. 
all. good. things. 
all. tremendously. good. things.
all. tremendously. good. things. that. i. love.

with all of those things.
i still feel like i am missing something.
& i have finally realized what it is.

i am missing still. quiet. quality time. with God & my little family of three.

i am doing too much. 
i am dividing up my time too thinly.
and the most precious aspects of my life are a teeny tiny bit neglected.
my little baby boy & my extraordinarily loving lovie should be my very first priority.
i want to be fresh & full of energy for them. 
so that i can pour my love into them every minute i have with them.
so that i can model the proverbs 31 wife. 
so that i can have a hot meal ready for my hubs when gets home each night.
so that our weekends are full of family activities creating memories.
so that we are cultivating our marriage. spending time in faith. 
instilling in our son exactly what is most important in life.
family. love. faith. & quality time together.

i think that our society is one of busyness.
and i have fallen into that trap.
thinking that the busier you are. the better you are.
the more social. the more involved. the more everything.
pack that day planner full of plans & you are golden.

but i think i am starting to disagree. 

while all of these things that keep me busy are amazing & great fun.
that is not what is fulfilling to me at this moment.
it is time for me to come back to what is really truly most important.
and that may seem a bit boring to some.
but to us . . . it is essential.

so. this is me. sharing with all of you.
i am going to simplify. i am going to slow down.
i am going to make my faith. my husband. and my baby my only priorities.
and i just pray that the Lord will continue to bless us immeasurably.

i am curious to know what you think . . .
do you feel like you have a calling to simplify?
or does busyness work best for you?

{big ol' thank you to my sweet encouraging friend. you are so wise}


  1. Kristen,
    God is always there for us no matter how busy we choose to be. It's nice to take the chance to choose your time wisely and make priorities to slow down. I find when I don't then things happen to remind me to slow down, to simplify. You are right that the world is busy but we have every right to step off the fast moving wheel of life and embrace what we love most.

  2. You've hit the nail on the head. Busier does not equal better! Beautifully written!

  3. Spiritual discernment--listening to God is what our society lacks. We are so busy with what we think we are suppose to be doing that we forget to listen for God's Voice. I am so happy that you are listening. You will never regret this moment.
