01 September 2013

twelve weeks.

baby patch is twelve little weeks old.
i simply cannot believe how much he has grown in such a short little time.
his little personality is getting bigger everyday.
he is quite a little lump of love.

he has lots of smiles for his dada.

and big blue peepers that melt his mama's heart.

and sweet little coos that make us giggle all the time.

and the most kissable lips i ever have seen.

and fifteen pounds of chub to make him an extra good snuggle bunny. 

i sure do love you. baby patch.
every little ounce of you.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY STARS. I have not been so good about my personal FB and I have missed a lot! He is absolutely a gorgeous Baby boy! His eyes are your eyes, awe;) Is his nickname "Patch"? I must stop by to see him, `12 weeks already...wow.
