14 August 2013

fall is near.

lovelies. fall is nearly upon us.
i know. i know. 
it is mid-august. in florida. & it is 90 degrees.
but you know my belief . . .
dress for the season. not for the weather. 

that being said.
come labor day weekend. 
it is time to break out the fall wardrobe.
mind you. us southerners must modify a wee bit.
as wearing traditional fall garb in this heat is simple miserable. 
nevertheless. we can still don fall looks just the same. 

i am totally smitten with the latest feature in vogue magazine.
the fashions. the textiles. the colors. the elegance.
it is making me fall in love with fall fashions all over again. 

are you coveting that louis vuitton jeweled coat as much as i am?!
oh. my. drool-worthy. goodness. 

i guess it is time to start planning out my fall wardrobe.
bring on the boots. scarves. tweeds. & jewel tones.

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