18 August 2013

baby days.

our baby days have just an abundance of love.
and a whole lotta every day baby type things.
feeding times. nap times. play times. smile times. quiet times.
and i love knowing that every day i get to do it all again.
i get to do it today. and tomorrow. and the next day. and the next.
and while soon our simple every days will likely evolve into wild little boy days.
right now. i am completely & utterly enjoying our simple baby days.

our days are often times quiet. and calm. and restful.
but. of course. we have moments of cries. and tears. and whines.
we have hours of snuggles. and smiles. and coos.
and times of wonder. and exploring. and learning.
our baby days are quite wonderful. 

just love our sweet. sleepy. playful. simple. baby days. 

{and really love the amazing leisa rice for her incredible photog skills.
if you are looking for a remarkably talented photographer. contact her here.
she is impossibly smart with her creative eye. loves the Lord. and is a way fun friend}

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