08 January 2013

the loviest lovie.

i have to take a few moments to shamelessly gush about how grand my husband is.

he is truly the loviest lovie in all the land. 
an absolute prince. the ultimate caretaker. the master of love.
the good Lord knew exactly what I needed when he blessed me with my lovie. 

the last eighteen weeks. four & a half months. have been tough for this momma-to-be.
& this amazing man has taken such tender care of me.
unconditionally. unwavering. unbelievably wonderful care.

so. this is for you my lovie.
the biggest thank you of them all.
i simply do not know what i would do without your love & support. 

as i lay in bed all day long today. 
lovie brought me an abundance of everything i need.
lots of gatorade. bananas. crackers. peanut butter.
& the one thing i could never manage without.
his love.

you. mister lovie. are absolutely. hands down. without a shadow of a doubt.
my all-time favorite. ever. ever. ever. 


  1. Oh Kristen, this is beautiful! Congratulations on love and family. Lucky baby to be born to you and your husband.

  2. How very, very sweet. He is a lucky man too! :)
