05 December 2012

i've got the blues.

i am feeling sorta blue today.
but not the blue you are probably thinking of.
quite the opposite actually.
my day has been filled with thoughts of sweet baby boys wrapped in soft blue blankies.
blue little rompers. blue little boppies. & blue little onsies.
that's right, my friends.
lovie & i are expecting a sweet little boy.
our world is wrapped up in a big blue bow & we couldn't be more thrilled!
we had a doctors appointment yesterday
& the ultrasound tech said she could give her best guess as to the gender...
but let me tell you...
there was no guessing about it.
our sweet baby boy was way too excited to say hello!
we are just over the moon.
& i couldn't wait one more minute to share our joyous news.
little baby boy snuggles are just months away!


  1. Congratulations on your SON!! How exciting!

  2. Ahhhh wonderful, sweet little boy! Love it!

  3. How wonderful for both of you! ...about to start the great adventure Congratulations!

  4. Congratulations!! What wonderful news!

    xoxo, Emily

  5. Congrats! Little boys love their mommas. Can't wait to see what you dress him in. Boy clothes can be cute, but it's harder to find than girls.

  6. Wohoooo! How very very exciting! Congratulations. :)

  7. Oh my gosh how exciting! Yay team blue!

    xx Jenee C.
    {camo meets couture}
