29 August 2012

the heart of a servant.

lovie & i are officially moved into our 
brand. spankin. new. forever. & ever. home. 
how fun is that?!

we have truly been up to our elbows in boxes.
& sprinkled with paint from head to toe.
we may have cold water showers. craftsmen co-existing beside us. 
& the dirtiest of all floors.
but we would not have it any other way. 

we are totally & completely nesting together.
in our most perfect pretty little home. 

when we bought the house the landscaping was in need of some extra. extra love.
& every room in the house needs a fresh coat {or two} of paint.
we knew that looking forward. every weekend on our calendar from here on out
 would be filled a great abundance of projects.
 planting projects. painting projects. placement projects.
just plain fun projects. 

and what better way to kick off all of this great fun.
than with some of our most dear friends & family.

let. me. tell. you.
lovie & i are surrounded by such loving. giving. thoughtful people.
words fail to express how wonderfully generous they are.

i'm talking friends that show up & demand to help with all the needed work.
friends that offer. & they won't accept no thank you for an answer.
friends that clear their weekend schedules to help.
showing up in their grubbiest of clothes. 
paint brushes in each garden-gloved-hand.
giving up hours & hours of their saturday. 
just to help. just to help us. 

why we are so deserving of this outpour of love... i will never know.

so tonight my heart is overflowing with gratitude for you.
our big strong tree chopper. our horticultural expert & adviser. 
our energetic weed puller. our personal landscape artist. our resident raker. 
our treasurer-hunter-clay-potter-finder. our pro baseboard painter.
our master paint roller. our meticulous window scraper. our superb cutter-inner. 
our woodwork detailer. & our tiniest little cheering section. 
you make my heart overflow with happiness.

thank you all- and you know who you are- for all of your help.
you have helped create the start to our happy home.
& you have created such beautiful memories that we will forever cherish.
you. my friends. exemplify the heart of a servant.

spending my evening writing thank you notes to the loveliest of all lovelies.
{and of course, on the loveliest of all lovely papers a la sugar paper.}
thank you for the hard work. thank you for the laughs. 
thank you for the conversations. 
thank you for you. 

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