02 August 2012

cousin of the bride.

i. am. beyond. thrilled. 
my sweet cousin. katie. is getting married.
she has been blessed with a wonderfully charming. loving. & devoted man.
they both adore one another more than words can express.
& that is worth celebrating. 

i can honestly say that i have never been more excited for a single person.
she is deserving of all the happiness in the world.
as she sprinkles this great big world with joy & laughter.
anyone who knows katie has been gifted with genuine friendship.

so. to my sweets. katie & zach.
may these months of planning fill your hearts with
love. excitement. & blessings.
may each day be lovelier than the previous.
and may an abundance of gratitude fill your souls.
God has certainly blessed both of you.
to find a love for a lifetime the greatest gifts of all.

let the planning begin.
i can hardly wait to celebrate with you both!

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