22 July 2012

day date.

lovie & i have a day date today.
one of our all-time have things to do is have a day date on sunday afternoons.
just the two of us. just lazy enjoyment. just pure loveliness.

a bike with a basket of books & wildflowers.
the makings of a most wonderful sunday afternoon.

creamy lattes are worth savoring during a day date.

and skimming through the pages of hemingway & fitzgerald
is always a way to enjoy a lazy sunday.

today you can find us riding our bikes through neighborhood streets.
sitting park side with his nose in a book & me flipping the pages of my bible.
sipping on ice cold lattes with extra cream & cinnamon. 

life is sweet.
and even sweeter with my sweetie by my side.

{images not sourced. found on pinterest}

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