19 June 2012

florence & the vineyard.

everyday here gets better & better.
i can hardly put into words the amazing experiences we are having.
today we spent the day in florence. and the evening at a tuscan wine vineyard.
i mean, really? does it get any better?

a visit to the accademia to see the david was our first order of business.
it was even more remarkable than i remembered.
not to mention i was quite pleased to brag about the fact that
my lovie has the cutest bum that rivals the davids.
one of many reasons why i love him.

the duomo in florence is unbelievable.
the size is tremendous. the grandness is breathtaking.
but most of all, the reverence is amazing. 
simply walking into this stately cathedral left me speechless.
the frescos depict stories of faith. leaving my eyes stinging with tears of wonder.

we climbed to the tippy-top of the dome.
and the view made up for every single spiral-staircased-dizzy-step.

hello, florence.
makes me want to skip from rooftop-to-rooftop.

us bretts are used to having our heads in the clouds.

lunch on the piazza was the perfect way to relax after the steep climb.

then it was time to head over to le velette for our wine tour.
is that villa not the most lovely thing you have ever laid eyes on?
this vineyard has been under the care of the same family for six generations. 
this sweet family has put their love into making wonderful wine for hundreds of years.
and let me tell you... it truly was the best wine i have ever sipped on.

a wine aficionado in the making.

blessed everyday by these loves.

adore this girl. 
love having her here. but we sure do miss you douphy.

the property was stunning.
a villa. a wine cellar. a chapel. & a monastery. 

and a view that words fail to describe.

sweet boy taking in the evening.

and having lots of fun to boot.

another wonderful day in italy. 

1 comment:

  1. What incredible pictures! It looks breathtaking and you all look great. It is my dream to go there someday :) Have fun and keep the pictures coming!
