14 March 2012

holding court.

the tennis court is calling my name.
i am no pro. but i certainly enjoy hitting the ball.
and on occassion, i can have a pretty lovely forehand.
and it goes without saying that i adore the tennis garb.
the skirts. the headbands.
it's oh so sporty chic.

i have to give credit to the matchbook girl herself, katie armour,
as she introduced me to these elle italia photos.

it should be mandated that every lady
should wear this get up while holding court

i am just dying over the black & white striped headband.
and the monochromatic whites.

kate spade recently released their latest pieces,
and it seems that they're up for a little tennis match, too.
i am loving the charming greens & whites. polka dots, too.

anyone up for a little mixed doubles?
game. set. match.

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