16 February 2012

hobbies to fancy.

i love the idea of having a pocketful of hobbies to fill my days.
having little activities that bring enjoyment to everyday life.

one of my goals right now is to broaden my hobby horizon.
to find things to purposefully fill my minutes. things to enrich my life.
and things that i can find pleasure doing for many years to come.

i have been thinking about my current set of happy hobbies.
writing. photography. shopping. cooking. baking.
and i was stunned to realize that i do not really have a long list of hobbies.
sure, i love to spin. i love to lounge by the pool. and i love to eat great food.
but are those really hobbies?

i guess it depends on who you ask.

nevertheless, i am going to work on creating new hobbies.
and i have to admit, i am quite excited about it.
these are some of my new hobbies-to-be.
reading.art history.
running{ok, i am faking that one}
tennis. & sketching.

hobby attempt number one...
i am beyond excited to start sketching.
i have never, ever, even begun to think about trying out anything in the art arena.
i have never been a great artist & am not quite sure that i even have the potential.
i have become mildly obsessed with fashion sketches a la inslee haynes.
so much so that i am bound and determined to give it my best effort.
i would love to be able to sketch fashion spreads like these sassies.

aren't they just the loveliest sketches you have ever laid eyes on?!

so, if you promise not to laugh, i will share with you my first little go at it.
i scribbled this little lady while i had fifteen free minutes this morning.

despite her extra long torso, i happen to think she is kinda cute.
i was inspired by the spring trench coat & kate spade polka dot tights. 

hey, hey. i said no laughing.
i can practically hear you through the computer screen.

for as silly as it is, i actually had a ball putting the pencil to paper.
it was certainly a creative outlet that i will enjoy again.

these next few months i am going to dedicate to developing these new hobbies.
on my way to becoming a more well-rounded lady.
so, anybody wish to be my tennis partner?
spectators are welcome. it is sure to be a real racket.

1 comment:

  1. very cute drawing! no laughing over here! i LOVE this idea about the hobbies. i think you may have just inspired me to do the same! make a list of hobbies.. and get on it! going to start my list tonight! i LOVE making list! this is already a hobby of mine;)

    chloe lambe
