06 February 2012

Guest Blogger: Smitten Design

Hi C'est si bon readers, I'm Ashley from Smitten Design. When Kristen asked me to guest blog I turned to one of my New Years Resolutions for the topic. Let's discuss thank you notes and the appropriate etiquette to acknowledge gifts. I was raised to write thank you notes for every gift I received. I am so thankful my mom instilled this in me, but I will admit, lately I have slacked in this practice, especially peer-to-peer.

There's really no excuse, if someone puts forth the effort to spend money on you and mail you a gift, the very least you can do is send a hand-written thank you (I preach this to myself).

Etiquette guru, Emily Post, has this to say about thank you's:

  • Wedding or baby shower gifts. After giving shower gifts, the majority of people consider it rude if they don't receive a written note of thanks even if you've given thanks in person.

  • Wedding gifts. Each wedding gift should be acknowledged with a written note within three months of receipt of the gift, even when you've given thanks in person.

  • Congratulatory gifts or cards. Send a note to anyone who sends a present or card with a personally written message to acknowledge an accomplishment, such as a graduation or promotion.

  • Gifts received when sick. Notes should be written when the patient feels well enough, or a relative or close friend can write notes on his or her behalf.

  • Condolence notes or gifts. Send a written thank-you to anyone who sent a personal note, flowers, or a donation. It's fine for a close friend or relative to write notes on the recipient's behalf.

  • Gifts of money. In your note, let the giver know how you'll use a money gift--to furnish your apartment or add to your savings.

  • Holiday and birthday gifts. Write thank-you notes for holiday and birthday gifts as soon as possible, preferably within two or three days. A good standard is to acknowledge Christmas or Hanukkah gifts before New Year's Day.

  • Other gifts. Thank-you notes are not always necessary for presents that have been given in person at a housewarming, going away party, or similar occasion. If a sincere thank-you was expressed in person when the gift was received, that's sufficient.

  • Thank-you gifts. Gifts sent as a "thank you for..." require a note of appreciation in return. It's necessary to let the sender know that the present arrived and is appreciated.

  • Now, there is no shortage of stylish thank you cards. Here's a round up of my favorite:

    Items 1, 2, 3, 4
    Thanks for having me Kristen!

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