28 February 2012

dayna decker giveaway.

i happen to be a self-proclaimed pro at trying new beauty products.
i love experimenting with new goods ranging from 
hand cream to hair mousse. lipgloss to lotions. and scrubs to scents.

if it feels good. if it smells good. or if it looks good. 
i am all over it.
especially if it promises great results.
{i happen to still be waiting for long, thick, voluptuous hair. oh, and big pouty lips}

well, friends. 
i am here to share the good news.
not only do the dayna decker goods feel good. smell good. and look good.
they totally rock my world. 
candles. washes. lotions. diffusers. each one more exotic than the next.
the scents so richly saturated & captivating. sensual in the purest, most natural form. 

i fell in love with the sierra line.
neroli flower. ananas leaf. sweet jasmine. musk. bourbon vanilla.
the influence of natural botanicals creates an exotic aroma that is purely divine.

let me tell you, stepping out of a steamy shower and 
lathering this aromatic lotion on was like pure heaven.
and, the sierra candle was equally as lovely. and calming. and luxurious. 

there are a number of scents for you to choose from. 
peruse through the dayna decker website to find what you fancy. 
or you can try out all of her goods at neiman marcus.

oh, and here is a little surprise just for you. 
dayna decker has offered to spoil one c'est si bon reader 
with a bottle of essence lotion & a botanical candle. 

"like" the dayna decker facebook page to enter in this giveaway.
one lucky reader will win these luxe products. the winner will be revealed next tuesday. 

dayna decker will forever be a fave beauty product of c'est si bon. 
i promise you, too, will fall in love with her great scents.

{c'est si bon was sent dayna decker products to review. all opinions expressed are my own}


  1. Oh my gosh! I love dayna decker! So glad you were able to review the product! I agree with you! It is wonderful! :)

  2. I love learning about new products from you!!

  3. Tay, you will love her products. They are so unique. And Crystal, I cannot believe I have never used her goodies before. Be sure to enter the giveaway!!! xoxo

  4. I liked Dayna Decker on FB! Thanks for sharing your review! I so want to try their stuff!

  5. Nothing delights me more than a yummy smelling candle!

  6. I would love to try her line! You always do great product reviews!
