28 January 2012

a moment in time.

last night we had the pleasure of visiting with 
our dear, dear friends al & kathy.
they are wonderfully kind souls with such generous hearts.
al & kathy have gifted us with their friendship,
and have blessed us beyond belief.
al is graced with such an eye for photography.
he captured moments and emotions from our wedding day
that we will forever cling on to. 

a moment to toast to a new life together. forever.

a moment to share in this great joy together.

a moment to embrace. and kiss.

a moment to to relax. and simply take it all in.

a moment to listen to the wise words of our loved ones.

a moment to show appreciation.

a moment to feel adoration & appreciation.

a moment to twirl.

a moment to be overwhelmed by the love of our Lord, family, & friends.

a moment that we will never, ever forget.
for the rest of our lives.

thank you, al
for this generous gift of love.
we are so very grateful for both your friendship & your talent.

1 comment:

  1. These are gorgeous photos of a gorgeous couple. So beautiful!! Who was your photographer Kristen?:) Love the black and white.
