11 December 2011

cookies & good cheer

on saturday afternoon
the ritz-carlton of sarasota 
hosted a christmas cookie decorating class.
i get really, really excited about these kinds of things.

so, mom and i decked ourselves in our holiday garb
and made our way down for the fun.

with peppermint tea, icing, glitter, and friends
a bundle of merriment is a sure thing. 

we learned fancy new tricks.

and we nibbled some, too. 
well, i nibbled on some. 
if they were not pretty, they needed to be disposed of. 
i took one for the team.

we adorned edible buttons with baubles, all sorts.

frosting with stencils.
this is not for the faint of heart.

we made darling chocolate penguins.

and used royal icing.

reapplied red lipstick,
a necessary component to feeling merry and bright. 

santa's little helpers working away.

our prettiest ones.
{i spared you the sight of my not so pretty cookies. and i have to admit, these are my moms}

after all our hard work,
we indulged in great laughter and melted dark chocolate.
by the spoonful. 

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