01 November 2011

gluten free goodness

i am a gluten free gal by choice. 
crazy? maybe a little. 
but i most certainly believe that it is a healthier lifestyle.
and i totally endorse healthy living.

i am not over the top about what i do or do not put in my body,
and i absolutely will cheat a treat in now and again.
but i do strive to eat on the cleaner and greener side.

i buy the necessary organic groceries.

i limit my sugar intake.
{read: eliminated my nightly trip to the frozen yogurt shop}

i eat flax and millet like it's going out of style.

and i make juice out of my fave fruits and veg.
apples. carrots. ginger. spinach. kale. cucumber. lemons. squash. berries. 

i have been gluten free for about two months now.
and i must admit, i love the way i feel.
i feel clean.
i crave clean food.
and i know my body is thankful. 

it has been so much easier than i thought it would be. 
instead of trying to replace what i used to eat with gluten free products
{pizza, sandwiches, pasta}
i just avoid foods that typically would contain gluten.
in other words, i do not buy gluten free bread or gluten free pasta.
i just have not found ones that i enjoy eating. 

until today.
i made thomas keller's ad hoc gluten free waffles for dinner.
i was in waffle wonderment.
they were fluffy. buttery. to-die-for-good.

i even made it healthier by using fat free organic milk.
one cage free organic egg.
i skipped topping them with the usual butter & syrup.
instead i spread a tablespoon of  my fave peanut butter.
and drizzled some light agave nectar on top.
wow. wow. wow.

so, for my fellow gluten free gals {and guys}
run, don't walk. over to your nearest williams sonoma.
go get a box or two for you. 

and to make these waffles even more divine,
add a dash of cinnamon.
and a teaspoon of vanilla.
just stir it into the waffle mixture.
and enjoy.

{i have also made the ad hoc gluten free brownies. better than the best. super fudgy}

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