30 October 2011

t minus twenty

in twenty days
i will be mrs. michael mott mills, junior.

i can hardly believe that we are only twenty little days away 
from devoting ourselves to one another forever. and ever.
in front of our family.
our friends.
and our sweet Lord.
we will be married.
and i could not be more excited.

i have been practicing my new signature.
and i think my new name has a nice little ring to it.
i think i am ready for a new last name. 
kristen brett mills. 
cute, no?!

being that we only have these twenty days to tie up all our loose ends, 
mom and i are racing to cross off items on our to-do list every day.

today we got quite a few things done.

get rehearsal dinner dress.
make seating chart.
create a detailed itinerary of the ceremony
create a detailed itinerary of the reception
double check the rsvp list
finish making out of town guest baskets

it feels oh-so great to strike through every little item. 
but my very favorite task of today was making these little guys

these are for our send off after the wedding.
these sweet little carriers have a handful of rice for guests 
to throw as my lovie and i depart.

aren't they simply beautiful?
a little scrapbook paper. 
double sided tape.
a hole punch.


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