10 September 2011

signed. sealed. delivered.

we got a special delivery yesterday afternoon.
our wedding invitations have arrived! 

i may be a tad bit bias,
but i happen to think they are 
the most beautiful invites i have ever seen. 

it may be the envelope ribbon. the design. the calligraphy.
but i think its more so the beautiful union that this paper represents. 

we are getting married. 
in front of our Lord, our family, and our dearest friends. 
now, that is a beautiful thing. 

mom and i had a ball picking out the invites. 
the moment we laid eyes on these invites... we were sold. 
they are just the loveliest we have ever seen. 
{i have to admit, the invites we selected were one of the first we saw}

much like everything else with our wedding, 
every bit of planning has been a blissful breeze. 
the dress. the flowers. the decor. the music. the food. the location. 
it has all been a piece of wedding cake.

i truly feel that the Lord is blessing mike and i beyond belief. 
He is blessing our marriage. 
we are grateful for His grace & favor. 

we have waited with sweet anticipation for the invites to arrive 
and we are beyond thrilled with the turn out. 
perfection. elegance. chic style.
c'est si bon. 

i was so excited to see my mom and dads 
excitement when i showed them the invites. 
their expressions say it all. 

i think they like them. 

ok, they love, love, love them.

the packaging was even perfect. 
a great big box 
{remember, i love presents}

filled with popcorn
{i love popcorn, too}

with each component of the invitations individually wrapped
{and i especially love great organization}

this was like six little wrapped presents within one!

a little sneak peak.

i adore the envelope ribbon.

this is a face of pure & utter excitement.
we love the invitations more than words can say.

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