21 November 2012

a giving heart.

there is something about the holiday season that really touches my heart.
it reminds me how deeply blessed i really am & how rich these blessings are.

bountiful. abundant. undeserving blessings surround my life daily.
& i will never completely understand why i am so blessed.
while i wish i had this overwhelming sentiment all year long.
i have to admit. it often times gets lost in the day-to-day.

that being said.
i am making this next month one of a giving heart.
giving of each & every part of my being.
heart. soul. energy. time. money. care. & prayers. 

after much thought.
i am choosing to bless the children's dream fund this year.
not only is this organization near & dear to my heart.
but my amazing mother is also a dream coordinator. 
so. i sincerely hope that you will join me in this great effort. 

the children's dream fund is a most wonderful local non-profit
that blesses terminally ill children with their biggest & wildest dreams.
i have had the joy of helping plan dreams & present dreams to these precious children 
& there is nothing sweeter or more humbling than bringing happiness to the lives of
these sick children & their loving families.
it is heartwarming. 

really. think about it.
if most of us made a list of our daily struggles
it would pale in comparison with the burden & fear that these families live with.
each & every day.

two years ago 
my small group bible study adopted a dream fund family for a christmas blessing.
the generous girls in my bible study collected tons of presents 
to surprise one sweet little two-year old girl.
i can only imagine the joy the mother experienced as she surprised her terribly sick little baby with more christmas presents than one could ever imagine. 

it was the simplest act of generosity that we could do....
but it will leave a lasting impression on this family as shortly after that happy morning 
this precious little one went on to be in Heaven with our Heavenly Father. 

so my friends.
i have a challenge for us. 
let's see how much money we can raise to support the 
many. many. many families within the children's dream fund. 
let's see how many gift cards we can collect to donate to the children's dream fund.
starting now. ending on december 15. any amount is wonderful.
visa cards. american express cards. target cards. wal-mart cards.

just think of all the families who will be deeply touched from your giving heart. 

if this is something you would like to participate in. {and it should be}
here is how you can make it happen.

first. go get your gift cards. {visa & american express are top choice}
second. mail your gift cards {or checks} to the following address:

Kim Brett
Children's Dream Fund 
1 Progress Plaza
Suite 820
Saint Petersburg, FL 33701

{if you are local. feel free to just drop the gift card off at my house}


19 November 2012

a child of god.

the Lord has really been trying to get my attention these past few weeks.
i just love that about Him. 
He is totally & completely persistent until i get the point. 
in all seriousness. how utterly gracious of Him.

it is not like i have been praying for Him to reveal some sins.
i have not particularly been longing for another refining period. 
i am not really wishing to be stretched at this given time.

really. in my mind. i have much bigger things to be praying about.
like. the little babe of a blessing growing in me.
and my exponentially more tear-filled eyes these days.
or my diminishing patience in my classroom.
and my lack of energy to be a really great wife.
{all of which i blame on this first trimester}

now those were all on my shortlist of my prayer requests.
but it is just like our great big God. just like Him.
to turn the tables around on us. 
turn it around from the focus being on us. consistently inward.
to the focus being on others. completely outward.

as i mentioned before.
He has really been trying to get my attention.
sending his one strong & true message loud & clear.
my wise & impossibly faithful mother has been His little messenger.
bible study lectures have been His little messenger.
even joel osteen on national television has been delivering God's message to me.
{yes. i happen to adore joel. my friends may or may not laugh at me for this}
it is coming up everywhere.
 thats how why i know i need to be listening. 

He is telling me.
to be viewing each & every person as a child of God.
to focus on only that which resembles the image of Christ.
when a friend. a family member. when anyone
lets me down. reveals a sinful heart. shows their flaws.
to immediately cover them in love.
hiding their shortcomings. protecting them in their weakness.
loving them in spite of their decisions. 
& choosing only to see the goodness in them.
only acknowledging the child of God that is within them.
no judgement. only love.
always love.

after all.
i would hope that others can look at me.
a sinful. selfish. weak. girl.
& still see that i was made in the image of Christ.

i am so grateful that the Lord has put this on my heart.
it is so much easier just to simply love. & love unconditionally. 

that being said.
having a daily reminder for myself would be lovely way to start each morning.
a daily promise that i. too. am a child of God.
{wouldn't this etsy wallart be darling in a little babes nursery?! love it}

for my lovie.

happy. happy. happy. anniversary to my little lovie of a hubby.
thank you for a most wonderful year.
it was a year with an abundance of 
love. compassion. & devotion.
and for that i am eternally grateful. 

love you so.

12 November 2012

oh joy!

i have been an admirer of joy. the girl behind oh joy! for a long time now.
i simply cannot help but adore her girlie &whimsy style.
i completely adore her what i would wear series.
which features fashion sketches of her dream outfits.
but here is the real kicker.
not only are the outfits she sketches so stinkin cute.
but she also links you to each & every item.
just so that you. too. can scoop up the fashions for yourself.
this could be brilliant. but it could also be t.r.o.u.b.l.e.
but either way. i just love it.
check out her thanksgiving outfits.
one casual. one fancy. whichever suits your needs.

i am loving those drawstring ikat pants.
so chic. & oh so versatile.
thanks joy for your daily dose of inspiration & your darling sketches.
y'all head on over to see the oh joy! blog for yourself.
it will surely be a new daily read.

06 November 2012

the most wonderful time of the year.

words can hardly express my excitement.
it is officially the most wonderful time of the year.
my christmas music is ringing.
my frasier fir candles are burning.
and peppermint hot cocoa is a daily treat.
if i knew it would last through the next two months...
i would certainly be picking out our christmas tree today!
are you as excited as i am about this merry little season?
joy. joy. joy.